If you need to secure your business premises or home, it’s essential you get the RIGHT solution for your unique needs.
If you need to secure your business premises or home, it’s essential you get the RIGHT solution for your unique needs.
Don’t even think about installing a security system without talking to us first!
Join our team - come work with us
0800 425 576
Protect your business from theft and loss whilst keeping an eye on what’s happening while you are away from the premises.
Protect your home and possessions. Deter criminals and give your family a sense of security.
We install high-quality High Definition CCTV systems which you will find is one of the best investments for your home and business that you can make. As well as providing you with video access on your PC tablet or smartphone, you also can access footage from the past 30, 60 or even 90 days. You can then take the footage to the Police for evidence and even prosecution.
All of our cameras come with night vision by using Infra Red illumination to enable your security cameras to see what's happening through the night.
If you would like to discuss how to deter people from illegally coming onto your property or business premises, give us a call or send us an email to start a free consultation.